Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Dear Vegetables: I hate you

Dear Vegetables,
     While I know you are nutritious, and good for me, and are advantageous to any healthy eating program, I find you icky. I do not like your texture. I do not like your flavor. Please be more delicious. Please be tastier without having more calories, or needing rich sauces to make you palatable. Why can't you be more like your cousin, the fruit? Why are you so elitist and mean? Even tomatoes, which everyone may have thought was a vegetable, is a fruit! When did you kick them out of your elitist club, huh? Oh, maybe you were jealous because they're TASTY!
     Anyway. I know I have to choke you down, so I'll hide you in recipes to deceive my own mouth, and consume you that way. Until you can become more enjoyable, I swear I'm going to shove you in a blender, cover your taste up with fruits, and blend the bejeesus out of you so I can consume you with minimal discomfort.
     So there, Vegetables. But seriously, work on it, okay?

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